Aus den sieben Tagen - 1969 - Karlheinz Stockhausen

Johannes G. Fritsch, Michel Portal, Carlos R. Alsina, Jean-François Jenny-Clark, Jean-Pierre Drouet, Vinko Globokar, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Harald Bojé, Aloys Kontarsky, Alfred Alings and Rolf Gehlhaar, Péter Eötvös, Herbert Henck, Michael Vetter
Référence :
CD 1 a: “RICHTIGE DAUERN” (“Right Durations”) for circa 4 players (May 7th 1968). Duration: 21:00.
CD 1 b: “UNBEGRENZT” (“Unlimited”) for ensemble (May 8th 1968). Duration: 49:07.
CD 2 a: “VERBINDUNG” (“Connection”) for ensemble (May 8th 1968). Duration: 26:00.
CD 2 b: “TREFFPUNKT” (“Meeting Point”) for ensemble, first version (May 8th 1968). Duration of first version: 10:30.
CD 2 c: “TREFFPUNKT” (“Meeting Point”) for ensemble, second version (May 8th 1968). Duration of second version: 16:07.
CD 3 a: “NACHTMUSIK” (“Night Music”) for ensemble (May 8th 1968). Duration: 27:30.
CD 3 b: “ABWÄRTS” (“Downwards”) for ensemble, first version (May 8th 1968). Duration first version: 31:30.
CD 3 c: “ABWÄRTS” (“Downwards”) for ensemble, second version (May 8th 1968). Duration second version: 19:07.
CD 4 a: “AUFWÄRTS” (“Upwards”) for ensemble (May 8th 1968). Duration: 30:30.
CD 4 b: “INTENSITÄT” (“Intensity”) for ensemble (May 9th 1968). Duration: 32:07.
CD 5 a: “SETZ DIE SEGEL ZUR SONNE” (“Set Sail for the Sun”) for ensemble (May 9th 1968). Duration: 34:00.
CD 5 b: “KOMMUNION” (“Communion”) at first for 3, later for 4, 5, 6, 7 players, singers (May 9th 1968). Duration: 16:37.
CD 6 a: “ES” (“It”), first version (May 10th 1968). Duration: 25:30.
CD 6 b: “ES” (“It”), second version (May 10th 1968). Duration: 24:37.
CD 7: “GOLDSTAUB” (“Gold Dust”) for small ensemble (May 10th 1968). Duration: 53:20.